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The response to Cathy Ladman teaching our Beginners Class has been fantastic!

Cathy recently made her 10th appearance on The Tonight Show (you can watch it here) and has appeared in episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Modern Family, Rosanne, Everybody Loves Raymond and Mad Men, just to name a few.

Whether you want to be a stand up comedian or just try it for fun, the guidance of one of the country’s best comedians is available to you.

Sign Up NOW!

Beginner Class Registration is Limited to Only 12 Students

Monday’s in
Santa Monica
7p – 10p
March 24 – April 28
only 7 spots left!
Class Schedule
Week 1 – March 24
Week 2 – March 31
Week 3 – April 7
Week 4 – April 14
Week 5 – April 21
Week 6 – Your Grad Show at the Hollywood Improv, Sunday April 27
Class Tuition
Fee: $450.00

Receive priority notice when additional 2025 dates are announced.

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What you will Learn

Cathy teaches you all the techniques, secrets and skills used by A-List comedians to create great comedy material. You’ll go from ideas, to writing and performing a five minute set at the Hollywood Improv in just 6 weeks!


Best of all, Cathy keeps things fun, while challenging you to do great work within a inspiring, collaborative learning environment.

Sample Class Outline

Actual topics and assignments may vary

Comedy Nugget #1

What sort of idiot are you?

After the initial meet and greet you will be introduced to the essential parts to performing stand up comedy and joke writing. You will learn how to think and act like a stand up comedian.


Comedy Nugget #2

Ten kick ass ways to be really funny.

Everyone will perform a 3 minute set. Then we will work as a group on each student’s set, tweaking setups, punching up jokes, and tightening overall performance.


Comedy Nugget #3

Whatever doesn’t add detracts!

You’ll perform 3 more minutes of material and get feedback on your jokes from Cathy and the class. Homework – Write 1 additional minute of material to be performed in Week 4.


Comedy Nugget #4

Stand up and DELIVER…

Perform your 4 minute set, then get feedback from Cathy and the class. We’ll also work on set structure – to segue or not to segue?


Comedy Nugget #5

Holy shit I’m nervous!

Prepare for the live show by performing your 5 minute set. You’ll also learn how to deal with nerves, hecklers and, dare we say it, bombing.


Comedy Nugget #6

Congrats, you crushed at the Hollywood Improv!

You’ll perform your set in front of a live audience of friends, family, and co-workers, at the Hollywood IMPROV!